Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

he is bitter

  • 1 bitter

    1) (having a sharp, acid taste like lemons etc, and sometimes unpleasant: a bitter orange.) amargo
    2) (full of pain or sorrow: She learned from bitter experience; bitter disappointment.) amargo
    3) (hostile: full of hatred or opposition: bitter enemies.) hostil
    4) (very cold: a bitter wind.) gelado
    - bitterly
    - bitumen
    - bituminous
    * * *
    [b'itə] n 1 sabor amargo, amargura, amargor. 2 medicamento amargo, pílula amarga. 3 cerveja amarga. • vt amargar, tornar amargo, ficar amargo. • adj 1 amargo, acre. 2 doloroso, triste, penoso. he is bitter / ele está triste. 3 cáustico, áspero, mordaz. 4 severo, agudo, dolorido. 5 pungente, penetrante. 6 cruel, implacável. bitter enemy / inimigo implacável. to the bitter end até o amargo fim, até a morte. we must take the bitter with the sweet temos de aceitar as coisas como são.
    [b'itə] n Naut volta de abita. the bitter end / ponta do cabo depois da abita.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bitter

  • 2 bitter

    1) (having a sharp, acid taste like lemons etc, and sometimes unpleasant: a bitter orange.) amargo
    2) (full of pain or sorrow: She learned from bitter experience; bitter disappointment.) amargo
    3) (hostile: full of hatred or opposition: bitter enemies.) acérrimo
    4) (very cold: a bitter wind.) gelado
    - bitterly - bitumen - bituminous

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bitter

  • 3 bitter cassava

    bit.ter cas.sa.va
    [b'itə kəsa:və] n Bot mandioca.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bitter cassava

  • 4 bitter cress

    bit.ter cress
    [b'itə kres] n Bot agrião-bravo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bitter cress

  • 5 bitter principle

    bit.ter prin.ci.ple
    [b'itə prinsəpəl] n Chem qualquer composto de sabor amargo, encontrado nas plantas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bitter principle

  • 6 bitter

    áspero, amargo

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > bitter

  • 7 a bitter cup

    a bitter cup
    fig uma taça da amargura, um sofrimento amargo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > a bitter cup

  • 8 a bitter pill to swallow

    a bitter pill to swallow
    um osso duro de roer, coisa desagradável que se tem de aceitar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > a bitter pill to swallow

  • 9 to the bitter end

    to the bitter end
    até o amargo fim, até a morte.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to the bitter end

  • 10 we must take the bitter with the sweet

    we must take the bitter with the sweet
    temos de aceitar as coisas como são.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > we must take the bitter with the sweet

  • 11 Gall

    [ɡo:l] 1. noun
    1) (a bitter liquid which is stored in the gall bladder.) bilis
    2) (impudence: He had the gall to say he was my friend after being so rude to me.) atrevimento
    2. verb
    (to annoy (a person) very much: It galls me to think that he is earning so much money.) agoniar
    - gallstone
    * * *

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Gall

  • 12 anger

    ['æŋɡə] 1. noun
    (a violent, bitter feeling (against someone or something): He was filled with anger about the way he had been treated.) cólera
    2. verb
    (to make someone angry: His words angered her very much.) irritar
    - angrily
    * * *
    ['æŋgə] n raiva, ira, fúria, cólera, ódio. • vt+vi zangar(-se), irritar(-se), encolerizar(-se), enfurecer(-se). fit of anger acesso de cólera.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > anger

  • 13 bile

    1) (a yellowish thick bitter fluid in the liver.) bílis
    2) (anger or irritability.) irritabilidade
    - biliousness
    * * *
    [bail] n 1 Physiol bile, fel, bílis. 2 fig mau humor, cólera.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bile

  • 14 caustic

    1) (burning by chemical action: caustic soda.) cáustico
    2) ((of remarks) bitter or sarcastic: caustic comments.) mordaz
    * * *
    [k'ɔ:stik] n cáustico: substância corrosiva (também Med). • adj cáustico: 1 corrosivo, que queima, que cauteriza. 2 fig mordaz, sarcástico, satírico.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > caustic

  • 15 cup

    1. noun
    1) (a usually round hollow container to hold liquid for drinking, often with a handle: a teacup; a cup of tea.) chávena
    2) (an ornamental vessel, usually of silver or other metal, given as a prize in sports events etc: They won the Football League Cup.) taça
    2. verb
    1) (to form (one's hands) into the shape of a cup: He cupped his hands round his mouth and called.) juntar
    2) (to hold (something) in one's cupped hands: He cupped the egg in his hands.) segurar
    - cupboard
    - cup final
    - cup-tie
    - one's cup of tea
    * * *
    [k∧p] n 1 xícara, chávena. 2 xicarada: o que cabe numa xícara. 3 xícara com seu conteúdo. 4 copo, cálice (também de flor), taça. 5 copa, taça (prêmio esportivo). 6 Med ventosa. 7 bebida. 8 cálice usado na comunhão. 9 vinho usado na comunhão. 10 fado, destino. 11 buraco no jogo de golfe. • vt 1 dar forma de cálice ou xícara a. 2 tomar ou colocar em xícara. 3 aplicar ventosas a. a bitter cup fig uma taça da amargura, um sofrimento amargo. challenge cup Sport taça. claret cup ponche de vinho tinto. cup and saucer xícara e pires. cup of tea a) xícara de chá. b) especialidade, gosto. playing cards is not my cup of tea / não gosto muito de jogar cartas. half a cup of milk meia xícara de leite. he is fond of the cup ele bebe. he is in his cups ele está bêbado. parting cup trago de despedida.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cup

  • 16 embitter

    (to make bitter and resentful: embittered by poverty and failure.) amargurar
    * * *
    [imb'it2] vt 1 amargar, amargurar, angustiar. 2 exasperar, afligir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > embitter

  • 17 end

    [end] 1. noun
    1) (the last or farthest part of the length of something: the house at the end of the road; both ends of the room; Put the tables end to end (= with the end of one touching the end of another); ( also adjective) We live in the end house.) extremidade
    2) (the finish or conclusion: the end of the week; The talks have come to an end; The affair is at an end; He is at the end of his strength; They fought bravely to the end; If she wins the prize we'll never hear the end of it (= she will often talk about it).) fim
    3) (death: The soldiers met their end bravely.) fim
    4) (an aim: What end have you in view?) finalidade
    5) (a small piece left over: cigarette ends.) resto
    2. verb
    (to bring or come to an end: The scheme ended in disaster; How does the play end?; How should I end (off) this letter?) terminar
    - endless
    - at a loose end
    - end up
    - in the end
    - make both ends meet
    - make ends meet
    - no end of
    - no end
    - on end
    - put an end to
    - the end
    * * *
    [end] n 1 fim: a) termo, conclusão. at the end of May / em fins de maio. to the end of the earth / até o fim do mundo. to come to an end / chegar ao fim, terminar, finalizar. to come to a bad end / acabar mal. b) parada, terminal, ponto final. c) objetivo, finalidade. the end justifies the means / o fim justifica os meios. they fought to the bitter end / lutaram até ao fim. d) resultado, efeito, conseqüência. to what end? / para que fim? e) morte, destruição. f) resto, retalho, fragmento, sobra. g) Tech ponto, parte frontal. h) extremidade. 2 Amer Ftb jogador de ponta ou extrema. 3 uma das partes específicas de uma empresa ou negócio. • vt+vi 1 acabar, concluir, terminar. all’s well that ends well / tudo está bem quando acaba bem. he ended by eating the cake / ele acabou comendo o bolo. it ended in marriage / acabou em casamento. it ended in nothing / acabou em nada. Braz acabou em pizza. 2 finalizar, parar. 3 destruir, matar, morrer. 4 ser ou formar o fim. • adj final. at a loose end sem trabalho, desempregado, sem ocupação, sem rumo. from one end to the other do começo ao fim. he gained his end ele conseguiu o que almejava. his hair stands on end ele está de cabelo em pé (medo). I am at my wit’s end não sei mais o que fazer, estou desesperado. in the end no fim, finalmente. loose ends pontas soltas, pontos não resolvidos. no end of trouble um sem-número de preocupações. odds and ends bugigangas. she has it all at her fingers’ ends ela tem tudo na ponta da língua, sabe de cor e salteado. three days on end três dias consecutivos. to be at an end estar no fim. to be no end of a fool ser um tolo incorrigível. to be the thin end of the wedge ser apenas o começo. to get hold of the wrong end of the stick enganar-se redondamente. to go off the deep end fig perder as estribeiras, perder o autocontrole. to keep one’s end up não se deixar vencer, não perder o ânimo. to make an end of encerrar, pôr um termo. to make both ends meet viver de acordo com suas rendas, equilibrar o orçamento, conseguir chegar ao fim do mês. to no end em vão, inútil. to put an end to pôr fim. to rain for days on end chover durante dias a fio. to turn end over soçobrar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > end

  • 18 gall

    [ɡo:l] 1. noun
    1) (a bitter liquid which is stored in the gall bladder.) bilis
    2) (impudence: He had the gall to say he was my friend after being so rude to me.) atrevimento
    2. verb
    (to annoy (a person) very much: It galls me to think that he is earning so much money.) agoniar
    - gallstone
    * * *
    [gɔ:l] n 1 fel, bile, bílis. 2 fig amargor, rancor, ódio, amargura. 3 Amer sl impudência, audácia, atrevimento, desplante.
    [gɔ:l] n 1 assadura, escoriação, irritação da pele. 2 fig sofrimento, irritação, perturbação. • vt+vi 1 esfolar, escoriar. 2 irritar, atormentar, afligir, provocar.
    [gɔ:l] n galha.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > gall

  • 19 grapefruit

    plurals - grapefruit, grapefruits; noun
    ((the flesh of) a large yellow-skinned citrus fruit that has a slightly bitter taste.) toranja
    * * *
    [gr'eipfru:t] n toranja, toronja, pomelo, grapefruit ( Citrus decumana).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grapefruit

  • 20 hop

    I 1. [hop] past tense, past participle - hopped; verb
    1) ((of people) to jump on one leg: The children had a competition to see who could hop the farthest; He hopped about in pain when the hammer fell on his foot.) pular
    2) ((of certain small birds, animals and insects) to jump on both or all legs: The sparrow/frog hopped across the lawn.) saltitar
    3) (to jump: He hopped (over) the fence and ran away; He hopped out of bed.) saltar
    4) ((with in(to), out (of)) to get into or out of a car etc: The car stopped and the driver told the hikers to hop in; I'll hop out of the car at the next crossroads.) saltar
    2. noun
    1) (a short jump on one leg.) salto
    2) ((of certain small birds, animals and insects) a short jump on both or all legs: The sparrow crossed the lawn in a series of hops.) salto
    - catch someone on the hop
    - catch on the hop
    - keep someone on the hop
    - keep on the hop
    II [hop] noun
    (a climbing plant, the bitter fruits of which (hops) are used in brewing beer.) lúpulo
    * * *
    [hɔp] n lúpulo. • vt 1 juntar lúpulo à cerveja. 2 colher lúpulo.
    [hɔp] n 1 pulo, salto. 2 viagem curta (de avião). 3 coll baile. 4 coll dança, arrasta-pé. • vt+vi 1 pular, saltar. 2 coll viajar de avião (a curta distância). 3 dançar. hop it dê o fora, vá embora. hop, step and jump Sport salto triplo. to be hopping mad estar louco da vida, muito bravo e aborrecido. to catch someone on the hop pegar alguém com a mão na botija. to hop off partir (avião). to hop the freight Amer sl viajar clandestinamente em trem de carga. to keep on the hop manter-se ocupado, trabalhando.
    [hɔp] n sl 1 ópio. 2 qualquer narcótico. 3 pessoa viciada em drogas. 4 besteira, mentira. to hop up administrar, dar drogas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hop

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bitter melon — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked) …   Wikipedia

  • Bitter SC — Bitter Bitter SC Coupé (1981–1989) SC Hersteller: Bitter Automobile Produktionszeitraum …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bitter Sweet Symphony — «Bitter Sweet Symphony» Сингл The Verve из альбома Urban Hymns Выпущен 16 Июня 1997 3 Марта 1998 (США) Формат CD, 12 Жанр Альтернативный рок …   Википедия

  • Bitter (Begriffsklärung) — Bitter steht für: bitter, eine Geschmacksrichtung Bitter (Spirituose), bitter schmeckende Sprirituosen Bitter (Würzbitter), bittere alkoholische Würzzutaten Bitter Automobile, Automobilhersteller Hochzeitsbitter, eine Person, die eine Hochzeit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bitter CD — Bitter Bitter CD CD Hersteller: Bitter Produktionszeitraum: 1973–197 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bitter (automobile) — Bitter Création 1971 Fondateurs Erich Bitter Siège social …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bitter Cars — Bitter was produced in Germany and later Austria. The founder Erich Bitter, a former race car driver turned automobile tuner, importer and ultimately designer began crafting his own vehicles after business ventures with Italian manufacture… …   Wikipedia

  • Bitter Sweet Symphony — (engl.: Bittere, süße Sinfonie) ist ein Lied der nordenglischen Rockband The Verve und wurde als offizielle Single in Form zweier paralleler EPs erstmals am 16. Juni 1997[1] veröffentlicht. Es erschien auch auf dem 1997er Album Urban Hymns… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bitter — Bit ter, a. [AS. biter; akin to Goth. baitrs, Icel. bitr, Dan., Sw., D., & G. bitter, OS. bittar, fr. root of E. bite. See {Bite}, v. t.] 1. Having a peculiar, acrid, biting taste, like that of wormwood or an infusion of hops; as, a bitter… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bitter apple — Bitter Bit ter, a. [AS. biter; akin to Goth. baitrs, Icel. bitr, Dan., Sw., D., & G. bitter, OS. bittar, fr. root of E. bite. See {Bite}, v. t.] 1. Having a peculiar, acrid, biting taste, like that of wormwood or an infusion of hops; as, a bitter …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bitter cress — Bitter Bit ter, a. [AS. biter; akin to Goth. baitrs, Icel. bitr, Dan., Sw., D., & G. bitter, OS. bittar, fr. root of E. bite. See {Bite}, v. t.] 1. Having a peculiar, acrid, biting taste, like that of wormwood or an infusion of hops; as, a bitter …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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